Thursday, February 1, 2018


Photographed at Cairn's Centenary Lakes
73                      KREFFT'S TURTLE              Chelymys krefftii

AUSTRALIAN TURTLES                  7

Also known as Krefft's River Turtle or Krefft's Short-necked Turtle. Only found in Queensland within drainage systems east of Dividing Range, from Brisbane to Princess Charlotte Bay. Found in permanent rivers and swamps, as well as river overflows and lagoons. Carnivorous feeding on aquatic insects and lava, crustaceans, small fish; as become older become more omnivorous, feeding on aquatic plants, fruits, and any meat found.

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  Photographed at Murrawijinie Caves, near Nullarbor Roadhouse, South Australia, August 2022 185                      SALTBUSH MORETHIA     ...