Saturday, February 24, 2018


Photographed at Mon Repos, Queensland February 2018

79                        ELEGANT SNAKE-EYED SKINK               Cryptoblepharus pulcher pulcher

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                       53

Also known as Fence Skink. Common on fences, buildings and in suburban environments. Agile, leaping from branch to branch chasing small insects and spiders; observed robbing ant columns of lava and dead insects. Found along NSW east coast and about midway up Q coast; and along coast of se WA and SA coast fro Port Augusta to WA border.


Photographed at MacKay Botanic Gardens, February 2018

78                 ROBUST STRIPED CTENOTUS                  Ctenotus robustus

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                52

Also known as Eastern Striped Ctenotus. Widespread and abundant through much of its range, possibly more than one species. Eats invertebrates. Diurnal. Found in wet and dry sclerophyll forest, humid or dry woodlands, and dry grassland/shrubland.


Photographed at Yaamba, Queensland February 2018
77                     ROBUST BLIND SNAKE                  Anilios ligatus

AUSTRALIAN SNAKES                17

Eats pupae and lava of large and aggressive bulldog ants, its smooth, thick scales and robust body providing protection against the ants. Found in humid woodlands, dry woodlands and dry grassland/shrubland. Range: ne tip of WA, and in a band across to Q, down e coast and halfway across state  of Q from around Townsville to northern NSW

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Photographed on Christmas Island, December 2016
76                             GIANT GECKO                     Cyrtodactylus sadleiri

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                   51  

Also known as Christmas Island Giant Gecko. Endemic to Christmas Island. Found across the island in wide range of habitat from primary rainforest to secondary forest growth and scrubby regeneration. Semi-arboreal.

Friday, February 9, 2018


75                 EASTERN BROWN SNAKE                 Pseudonaja textilis

AUSTRALIAN SNAKES              16

Also called Common Brown Snake. Extremely venomous, considered world's second most venomous snake; considered responsible for about 60% of snake bite deaths in Australia. Native to eastern and central Australia and southern New Guinea. Highly active diurnal predator. Found in most habitats except dense forest. Main prey is house mice.


Photographed near Honeysuckle Creek, Canberra, February 2018

74                 EASTERN SMALL-EYED SNAKE                    Cryptophis nigrescens

AUSTRALIAN SNAKES                15

Also known as Short-tailed Snake and Small-eyed Snake. Venomous. Endemic to Australia; found in NSW, Queensland and Victoria.  

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Photographed at Cairn's Centenary Lakes
73                      KREFFT'S TURTLE              Chelymys krefftii

AUSTRALIAN TURTLES                  7

Also known as Krefft's River Turtle or Krefft's Short-necked Turtle. Only found in Queensland within drainage systems east of Dividing Range, from Brisbane to Princess Charlotte Bay. Found in permanent rivers and swamps, as well as river overflows and lagoons. Carnivorous feeding on aquatic insects and lava, crustaceans, small fish; as become older become more omnivorous, feeding on aquatic plants, fruits, and any meat found.


Photographed in the Gulf Country, nw Queensland

72                      GILBERT'S DRAGON                  Lophognathus gilberti 

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                        50

Commonly known as 'ta ta' lizard because of its habit of waving its forefeet after it runs; also known as Centralian Lashtail, Gilbert's Lashtail, and Gilbert's Waterdragon. Semi-arboreal, agile in trees and can sprint rapidly on the ground. Typically hunts by watching prey from perch in a tree or vegetation. Endemic to Australia: found in western and central Queensland, Northern Territory, and northern Western Australia.

Photographed in Katherine, Northern Territory April 2018


  Photographed at Murrawijinie Caves, near Nullarbor Roadhouse, South Australia, August 2022 185                      SALTBUSH MORETHIA     ...