Tuesday, January 28, 2020


152                    SPINIFEX DELMA              Delma butleri

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS              106

Also known as Unbanded Delma. Found in southern half of WA, through SA and nw Victoria to interior of NSW. Variety of habitats ranging from hummock grasslands to arid Acacia scrubs, mallee and savannah woodlands; found commonly in spinifex.


Photographed in Big Desert State Forest, Victoria, January 2020

149              EASTERN STONE GECKO             Diplodactylus vittatus

AUSTRALIAN LIZARD               104

Also known as Wood Gecko. Found across southern SA to Victoria, NSW and south-east Queensland. Inhabits wide variety of habitats from arid scrubs to wet sclerophyll forest. Terrestrial, usually found during day in or under fallen timber, stones and litter.


Photographed in Big Desert State Forest, Victoria, January 2020

148                 COMMON DWARF SKINK               Menetia greyii

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                 103

Also referred to as Grey Skink. Widespread in dry areas on a variety of soils and open vegetation types. Found across most of mainland Australia except northern, eastern and south-eastern perimeters. Diurnal, often seen in leaf-litter or grasses.


Photographed in Big Desert State Forest, Victoria, January 2020

147                COMMON NOBBI DRAGON                  Diporiphora nobbi 

AUSTRALIAN LIZARD                 102

Sometimes just known as Nobbi. From north-west Victoria and adjacent border regions of SA, through southern inland areas of NSW to south-east Queensland, then to coastal north-east Queensland. Found in mallee/spinifex associations in se SA and nw Victoria; dry sclerophyll forest, woodlands and rainforest on coast.


Photographed in Big Desert State Forest, Victoria, January 2020

146                EASTERN ROBUST SLIDER             Lerista punctatovittata

AUSTRALIAN LIZARD              101

Found in south-eastern SA, through north-western Victoria and inland NSW to southern interior of Queensland. Burrowing lizard usually found only after rain in surface layers of moist soil under logs and stones; wide variety of habitat from dry sclerophyll forest and mulga and mallee scrubs to savannah woodland.


Photographed in Big Desert State Forest, Victoria, January 2020

145                  EASTERN SPOTTED CTENOTUS             Ctenotus orientalis

AUSTRALIAN LIZARD             100

Also known as oriental Ctenotus. Found in arid s-e WA, through southern SA to western Victoria and southern NSW. Variety of arid habitats, from chenopod scrublands to arid scrubs and open woodland. 


Photographed in Wyperfeld National Park, Victoria, January 2020

144                HEATH SKINK                     Liopholis multiscutata

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                  99

Also known as Bull Skink or Southern Sand-skink. Found in western Victoria; Kangaroo Island and Eyre and Yorke peninsula in SA to coastal regions of southern WA, including off-shore islands. Lives in coastal dunes and open heathlands and the complex forest and open woodlands, especially where rocky outcrops. Critically endangered in Victoria.


Photographed in Wyperfeld National Park, Victoria, January 2020

143              MITCHELL'S SHORT-TAILED SNAKE                    Parasuta nigriceps 

AUSTRALIAN SNAKES                 34

Also known as Black-backed Snake. Found across southern inland NSW and northern Victoria, through Flinder's Ranges and northern Eyre Peninsula; also WA from southern edge of Nullarbor across to Cervantes and south to Albany. Rocky hillsides, and in open woodlands, dry forests, mallee and scrubland. Nocturnal. Eats lizards, sometimes other snakes. Harmful, bites painful, causing swelling, nausea, headaches, and sometimes worse.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


142                 COMMON DEATH ADDER                Acanthophis antarticus

AUSTRALIAN SNAKES                33

Southern continental Australia, from s-w Australia, through parts of southern and s-e Australia to eastern and central Queensland. Considered by some experts to extend into eastern NT. Ovoviviparous, producing 20 young in a litter; from December to April. Adults feed largely on small mammals and birds, and juveniles feed on reptiles. DANGEROUSLY VENEMOUS.


141                  ROUGH-SCALED SNAKE                   Tropidechis carinatus    

AUSTRALIAN SNAKES                     32

Also known as Clarence River Snake.  Found on coast and ranges of eastern Australia from Barrington Tops in the south to s-e Queensland; an apparently isolated population in wet tropics rainforest between Townsville and Cooktown, ne Queensland. Shy, but aggressive when aroused; Dangerous. Normally nocturnal, but sometimes baskes or forages in the day. Feeds on wide variety of small vertebrates, but primarily on frogs and mammals. Live bearing, 5-8 young.


140                   BLACKISH BLIND SNAKE                   Anilios nigrescens

AUSTRALIAN SNAKES                  31

Found in Eastern Australia from southern Queensland to Victoria. Burrowing, worm-like snake that feeds mostly on the lava and pipe of ants and termites.


139               MORITZ'S LEAF-TAILED GECKO             Saltuarius moritzi

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                  98

Found in the foothills and ranges of the Great Dividing Range in NSW, from just south of the Clarence River to the Hunter Region, with historical anecdotal records as far south as the Wattagan Ranges. Also found in the deep gorge country of the eastern New England Tablelands.


138                WEASEL SKINK               Saproscincus mustelinus

AUSTRALIAN LIZARDS                    97

Distributed along coast and ranges of NSW and eastern and southern Victoria. Diurnal inhabitant of leaf-litter in a variety of inhabitats ranging from coastal heathlands to wet and dry sclerophyll forests of the Great Dividing Range. Common in suburban bush gardens.


137             RED-THROATED SKINK                 Acritoscincus platynotum

AUSTRALIA LIZARDS               96

Found from Granite Belt of s Queensland, s to eastern Victoria; coast, ranges and western slopes. In woodlands and heaths; favours tussock grasses. Ground-dwelling, diurnal, usually seen foraging in leaf-litter and fallen timber and rock crevices and exfoliating rock slabs in coastal and montane heaths, dry sclerophyll forests and woodlands.


  Photographed at Murrawijinie Caves, near Nullarbor Roadhouse, South Australia, August 2022 185                      SALTBUSH MORETHIA     ...